It is 11.55, Times Up, Bleiburg Memorial is under siege

U 16:30 sati jučer, prema vremenu Europske unije, snimljen je sljedeći materijal u blizini Blieburškog polja.

Ono što sam prethodno objavio i upozorio izgleda da se zaista ostvaruje.

Ovaj članak neće biti dug, samo je namijenjen da javno objavim ono što mi je poslao moj kontakt na terenu.

Trenutno, domoljubi iz dijaspore ovdje u Australiji, Austriji, Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini mobiliziraju se kako bi postavili drugi izvor u Blieburgu kako bi potvrdili ono što ćete svi vidjeti.

Moj izvor je izvijestio da pronalazi hrvatske vojne predmete kako prati bageriste. Osim toga, javio je, putem cenzuriranog snimka ekrana tekstne poruke radi zaštite njegovog identiteta, da je iskopavanje već otkrilo masovnu grobnicu u kojoj se pretpostavlja da se nalazi ostaci 800 ljudi.

Pozvat ću hrvatsku dijasporu da se pridruži demonstracijama protiv hrvatskih i austrijskih konzulata u Australiji te ću istaknuti neuspjeh svih četiri hrvatska konzulata da odgovore na moja službena pisma poslana prije nekoliko mjeseci na tu temu.

Bleiburg Field Official Letter of Request. – Glas Hrvatske Dijaspore – Croatian Diasporan Voice

Vrijeme je isteklo, ili ćemo povratiti našu naciju, dostojanstvo i kulturu ili zauvijek dopustiti da ova monstruozna radnja određuje našu budućnost na račun naše prošlosti.

At 4:30 pm yesterday, EU time, the following footage was taken in the vicinity of Blieburg Field.

What I previously made public and warned all of indeed looks like it is coming to fruition.

This will not be a long article, it is only to make public what has been sent to me by my contact on the ground.

At this moment, Diasporan Patriots here in Australia, In Austria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina are mobilizing to put a second source in Blieburg to corroborate what you are all about to see.

My source has advised that he is finding Croatian military items as he follows the excavators, additionally, he has advised, as by the text message screen shot which has been censored to protect his identity, that the digging has already exposed a mass grave, officials believe contains the remains of 800 people.

I will be calling for action by the Croatian Diasporan Community to join in demonstrations against both the Croatian and Austrian consulates in Australia and bringing into focus the all 4 Croatian consulates failure to respond to my official letters to them some months ago on the subject.

Time is up, we either take back our nation, dignity and culture or forever allow this monstrous act to dictate our futures at the cost of our past.

8 thoughts on “It is 11.55, Times Up, Bleiburg Memorial is under siege”

  1. All this happened, this is true, I was a child at that time. The British military would bring truck loads of Croatian people, those who fled to Austria which, at that time was occupied by the British. The Brith would put them in various camps some in the mountainous area, they would be moved from camp to camp, the last one we were in was the last camp occupied by the people. The British trucks would load up the people and drive them toward the border of Austria and Slovenia. When we arrived the massacre of Croatian people was in full blister. Due to bad weather, we were to late for the convoy which was leaving for then Jugoslavia and wound up on the convoy and people who were for King Peter, and headed toward Serbia. Our contention was, these convoys had to pass our home town to get to Serbia so , we opted for King Peter. This is how we were saved. When we arrived at that border , the Četnicks border guards tole us, they did not accept anyone who was for King Peter. It was to late to go back into Austrija, we spent the night in the fields, at the border where the sound of gun shote never stopped and the stench of death permiated that area. It was so bad, we had to wear a scarf so we can breath. Anyone who wishes to read my story. It is available at the Croatian Holocause Foundation, Zagreb and it is called “Koliko je daleko do nikada”. or in English, Amazan .com. and my book is called “How Far Away Is Never. “

  2. It has become clear that only the diaspora can save Croatia. And yes we can do it. I know this will sound weird but all it takes is money. Seriously that’s all we need to save the Domovina from the UDBA slime.

  3. Znao sam da će do ovoga doći prije ili kasnije, Kris je dobio ipak točne informacije , Sada treba tražiti iskapanje Jasenovca. U Jasenovcu je grobnica naših Sokolova. ZDS brate

  4. Hello John, greetings from Germany to Marija. What I read about Bleiburg is very, very sad. That is being excavated there. Why is it being built? More information please. Greetings from Marija’s cousin to you

  5. Sad ili nikad ovo mi Hrvati ne mozemo sutjeti ako mi necemo Sami niko drugi nece ZDS ZAP

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