Melbourne Friday 14th, September 2018 Croatia in Focus – Businessmen and women’s lunch Venue: To Be Advised shortly Time: To…
Croatia’s Homeland War Memorial Cemetery in Vukovar Photo: Damir Plavsic This weekend of 5th August 2018, like the same date…
Having just read yet another news article from presumed graduates of the “72 font crayon on butcher paper University of…
The following “White paper on Dr. Andrija Artuković” Was written by Professor Charles Michael McAdams in the 1970’s at a…
The following is an open letter to the State of Israel and the Jewish people which questions the continuing condemnation…
On Tuesday the 24th of July 2018, Newsweek the online portal published a news article written by Staff Writer…
When Holocaust deniers hunter himself falls into the category of genocide deniers then you really get a problem of pervasive…
Is it still cultural diversity if your team Is multi-racial as a by-product of French colonialism? Branko Miletic reports. WHEN FRANCE WON…
“To be or not to be? this is the question !” This editorial is in response to several comments…
A thick fog has befallen Zagreb! This editorial is presented on behalf of Glas Hrvatske Diaspore and Croatian Traditions…